1.Jesus, Thy life is mine,
Dwell evermore in me;
And let me see
That nothing can untwine
Thy life from mine.
2.Thy life in me be shown,
Lord, I would henceforth seek
To think and speak
Thy thoughts, Thy words alone,
No more my own.
3.Thy love, Thy joy, Thy peace,
Continuously impart
Unto my heart,
Fresh springs that never cease,
But still increase.
4.The blest reality
Of resurrection power,
Thy Church's dower,
Life more abundantly,
Lord, give to me.
5.Thy fullest gift, O Lord,
Now at Thy word I claim,
Through Thy dear Name,
And touch the rapturous chord
Of praise forth-poured.
6.Jesus, my life is Thine,
And evermore shall be
Hidden in Thee,
For nothing can untwine
Thy life from mine.
영어찬송: 365장 한국어찬송: ?
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